
沈拓    (Tuo SHEN)
互联网+研究院创始人,清华 X-lab 未来生活创新中心创始人
  • 北清互联网EMBA新模式总裁班

  • 开创并实践战略解码与复盘、商业模式再造、产品升维创新、破局点、组织变革与领导力熔炉等实战方法论,帮助多家企业打磨出爆款产品并取得显著的市场业绩增长。开发并讲授互联网+时代行业趋势分析、企业战略转型、商业模式创新、组织变革与管理再造、产品创新、领导力提升等专业培训课程。开创多种转型及创新方法论,出版《移动互联网时代的商业模式创新》、《重生战略》、《破局点》、《网络人的未来》、《重生领导力》、《变革的智慧》等专著。


    Pioneering and practical strategies to decode and checking, business reengineering, l d product innovation, broken point, organizational change and leadership furnaces and other practical methodology, help companies grinding out hot style products and achieved significant market growth. Develop and teach the Internet + era industry trend analysis, enterprise strategy transformation, business model innovation, organizational change and management reengineering, product innovation, leadership promotion and other professional training courses. Create a variety of transformation and innovation of methodology, the publishing of the era of mobile Internet business model innovation, strategy of "rebirth", "the broken point", "network of the future", "rebirth" leadership, the wisdom of "change" and other books.



