

中国形象设计协会高级讲师;清华大学卓越领导力形象管理高级讲师;日本Colortop形象管理培训师;美国AICI国际形象顾问协会会员;美国BB(BODY BEAUTIFUL INSTITUTE)形象学院认证;大型企、事业形象礼仪培训师;高端个人形象咨询顾问导师。






Senior lecturer of China image design association; Senior lecturer in leadership image management at tsinghua university; Japanese Colortop image management trainer; Member of AICI international image advisory association; Certified by the BODY BEAUTIFUL INSTITUTE of the United States; Major enterprises, professional image etiquette trainers; High-end personal image consulting advisor.

The guest image guidance of "The high-quality goods of CCTV " ; Special guest of "fame" of Beijing televisionl; "China international clothing fair" seminar, beautiful mother image of distinguished experts, the Chinese women's magazine 70 anniversary celebration, "ten outstanding Chinese women 08" awards ceremony activities.

She has been committed to the image of strategic management research and training, received professional guidance of master around the world. She can integrate aesthetic elements, cultural perspectives and image strategies fully and comprehensively with international vision. She has trained thousands of students, has done hundreds of personal image management consulting cases, and have extensive training and consulting experience. 

Main Courses:

Professional Image Consultant Training, Wardrobe Management and Image Strategy, The Image of Strategic Management Excellence in Leadership, Luxury Appreciation and Management, Enhancing Training High-end Female Image Charm, International Business Image Etiquette, Social Image and Etiquette, The TPO Occasions for Image, The Western-style Food Dining Etiquette and so on.


